The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

oe Three WATINLOO DAILY COURIIR, WATERLOO. IOWA MONDAY, MAUCH 1 t70 Grundy Contort 0v Hwterv tAove'tyl trim Wiien, Columoui. II RATINGS) Jan Nlemnn, Norther) Welliburgi Rachel Itrehienn, Relnbeck. II RATINGS: Kothy Oavle, Dunkertoni Ralph Hoipsdarkiy, LaPorte Cllyi Grant Wynn, Jesup; Mark Walker, Northern University; Steve Maglvern. Columbus) Those Were the Days 17 1 'Ratings to Host School 13 Columbus Students in Unlversllyi Mark fubOfik.

(oivmbun Jim Seemon, Beaman-Conrodl Nancy tarler, Northern Unlveriltyi Ruth Flu hell. Doit Place Three Persons on Probation Alan Ellen, Northern University) Roger Merrick, Independence. Long Rido March 27-28 'Pony Express' to Aid Crippled Kids Boscoi Pat Kuiton, Waverlyi Jenene Klammer, Dunkerton) llev Chrlilliniefe New Hartford. RATINGS: Mark Tompkln, Northern University High) Shirley Shover. Mil- quaketa Valley) Gall Koobs, Grundy Center; Jim Dieri, waverly tnon pom; State Speech Meet Finals Thirteen Columbus Hi irtZJrVi Interpretive Poftry I RATINGS: Clndl Von Gelder.

Grundy Calhy Drilling, New Hampton) Nick O'Donohoe, New Hampton) Jim Honiscn, Woman Paroled on Northern University High. II RATINGS: Jeniler Or arum, Dunkerton) Tom Deutsch, New Hampton; bCtlOOl 8lUUCnt.S eamCd 17 I- Patriot, New Homptoni Duant DeGrool, Center) lark tlmestar, Dunkertoni tjierie) Hoopinworln, Beoman-Conrad I Nick O'Donohue, New Hampton) Day Wood, Northern University; Janlif Harold, rating awards Saturday at the Ht pofl' Joe Gorman, Columbus) Tony Kaewskl, Drug Charge Plea clubs In Iowa, Including flic Dunkertoni Gary Kenny, Moquoketa Radio Newt Announcing district speech contest hosted Valley) Steve Rote, Nashua. Lvansdalc and Hudson Saddle I RATINGS; Mlko Brummond, New Columbuil Patricia Hippie, Waverlyi Cindy Thompson, Bonnet) JoAnn liewarl, Dunkertoni Rarhael Rhodes, New Hnmpteni Rooerco RlekendaM, Independence; Ihoron I 0 tor Welliburgi Dan Conrad, Independence! Hompton; Rose Zumboch, Maquoketa Storytelling Clubs. two men and one woman by Columbus. The 13 students qualified for the state finals, March 21 In Mason City.

Volley; Bryce Malek, Independence; Jim I RATINGS: Debbi McOermott, Buller, Columbus; John Kerous, Northern were placed on probation pond Hide to Dei Moines Columbus: Barbara Behrens, Waverly University; John S. HOugen, Columbus Jim liovety, East Buchanan) Debra ing sentencing In District Court Shell Rarkl Beth Frost. Columbus) Dlny Oove Wood, Northern University) Bon devlno, Welliburoi Pout Dupey, Wnhierl; Earning two I-ratings each Members 'from these clubs Cenek, New Hompton I Tony Kajewtkl action Friday afternoon. Sharl Wlldman, Relnbeck) Connla Plaehn, Reinbecki Krli Reading, Jeeupi James Dunkerton; John Brown, LoPortt City; "We ride so a crippled child may walk" is the motto of the I'ony Express riders of Iowa who will be conducting their annual pony express ride to Camp Sunnyside near Des Moines March 27 and 28. Camp Sunnyside, financed by the Easter Seal Society, is a home for crippled children and adults.

The Pony Express Riders Is an organization of 200 saddle will ride their horses to Des were Debbie McDermott In storytelling and interpretive Mrs. Nancy Lea Knlef, 31, of Sieve Rees, Nashua; David Anhalt, Sannor, Wahlert; Tim Stamp, Northern Orcutt, Maquoketa Volley) Mory Sue Wahien, New Homptoni Scott Frltschel, Waverly-Shell Rock) Sua Fllger, New Homptoni Ruth Oamulh, Don Bosco) Allnda Campbell, Independence) Dehht Murray, East Buchanan) Jorque Kimble, Moines, convening at the camp Woverly; Euaent Kehoe, Don Bosco, II RATINGS: Dove Permit, Saturday, March 28. On the prose; Jan Harold in Interpretive prose and In Dunkerton; Pat Harrington, Moquoketa 3413 Homeway Cedar Falls, was released to a probation officer for one year after chang University; Lena ftoisow, LaPorte City) Patricia Slovens, Columbuil 1 1 i Madion, New Hampton. II RATINGS; Michelle Welree. Ceium-bun Ellin Murray, Moquoketa Volley) Don Boscoi Joan msKoaow, inaipin- denco) Julio Youngblut, Don osto) way, they will be collecting money from the citizens of terpretlve poetry; Patricia iTTa n.hrn Van Mill.

New Horlloro. II RATINGS: Barb Lux, Moquoketa Stevens in dramatic acting and 4 i Valley; Paul Holley, Waverly; Kothy Davis, Dunkerton; Mike Pirlllo, LaPorte City; Shirley Shovar, Maquoketa Volley; Gory Dlere, Waverlyi John Covonaugh, Columbus; Lin Drake, Nashua; Peggy Franck, East Buchanan; Suson Kenny, Wahlert; John Nle, Don Boico; Debby towns they go through. IT Gloria Baldwin, Jesupi Chris Andreae, Waverly) Barb Lux, Maquoketa Valley) Valley; Michelle Dunlap, Waverly-Shell ing her plea to guilty on a charge of attempting to obtain drugs by misrepresentation. Rock) LUAnn rink, vrunoy i.meri interpretive poetry; and Ann Dcvine in dramatic acting and Kathy Rocket, orunay lenieri penra Fratike. Jesupi Rose Merle Dolan, East Colleen Lage, Grundy Center) Craig No Collection Here They will be riding through Buchanoni Mark Schrogo, Parkersburqi aoyenga, tasi Bucnonon.

Cooling, Columbuil Jim corter, wo-auoketa Volley; Tom Deutsch, New interpretive poetry. Homptoni Gerald Jantsen, Relnbeck; Oratorical Declamation Attempted Break-la riaced on probation to the Waterloo and Evansdale March Students winning I and II I RATINGS: Sue Cass, Waverlyi Ida j-'J, If ratings are as follows; Janli Strohbehn, Relnbeck. Expository Address I RATINGS: Reneo Bora, Waverly; Hauser, Waverlyi Jan Thede. Relnbeck) county attorney's administra 27 but will not be able to collect money. Clifford Strein, of Hudson, Ride Chairman for 1 Harvey Ullers, Parkersburg) Roger Haan, Ardilh Meier, Denver) Lorry Kles, Don Bosco; Mary Wulf, Relnbeck) Pamela hom*on, wahlert) Deb I rk on I Porkertburtt Marilyn Halght, Denver) Mory Naber, Rait Buchanoni Pot O'Donnell, Parkeriburg; Beth Clmk, Denver; Leroy Shaier, Independence! Dee Ann Aronde, Welliburgi Kathy Jump, Dunkertoni Candace Hemrich, Grundy Centeri Hollle Hemmlngway, Waverly; Lou Ann Bockenstedt, Maquokote) Valley.

Humorous Acting Parkesburg; Don Conrod, Debra Van Mill, I RATINGS: Work Frost, Columoui; Margaret Strauel, Don Bosco; Trocoy Bender, Northern University) Steve Firman, Nashua; Sua Shearer, Maquoketa Volley) Sandy Buhmon, Relnbeck) Dav II RATINGS: Joon Simpson, Maquoketa Northeast Iowa, said he did not tive assistant until further order was Ronald Edward Wentz, 25, of 407 Normandy St. Wentz, accused of attempting to break Debbl Mlllr, Grundy Ctnter; Kivln MHHr. Ntw Hampton; Ptaav Poukonv. voney; jell Mlaglni, New Hompton Woman in Suit Claims Prizes Won Swiss Lakes Estates Contest Cited realize solicitations had to be Janet Neumann, Waverly; Debbie Ellen, Bulllt, LOPOrie Cliyi Jonoi Dlk; Kris Nlbbi, Beomon-Conradi Mono AAoelltr, Btamon Conrod; a orunay center; Cindy Circus, cleared through the Independence; Bradley Dohrer, Wahlert; nto Winder's Sport Shop at 197 Wtlgel, New Hampton; Renee Berg, litan Solicitations Gene Scharee, Oon Bosco; Jo Bentley, Waverlyi Dfnlje Coffin, Columbw Btth "I'M Denver; Heidi Lowe, Denver) Michael Review Board. NUsom, Waverlyi Bryco Malik, Bell, Wahlert) Leandra tunserl, Don inaMtnaence; Jim welben.

Rclnbeck W. Mullan was also ordered to make restitution. A breaking and entering charge There will be 18 different liiuwjt 1 Stovt Hommor, Don Boico; Patricio Falrholm, Denvor; Jannell Schwnnn. routes to Des Moines from Bosco; Nancy Whitlow. After Dinner Speaking I RATINGS: John Grimes, Beamon.

Porknburo; Eric Brown, Independsnco; against him was dismissed. every corner of Iowa, Mrein Davo Bohllng, Don Boico; Peg Allan Ray Herron, 18, of 1107 porkirsburg; James Stavtly, East Conrod; Jeff Chestnut, Woverly; Jim Hanlsch, Northern University; Nancy An Oelwein woman has filed said. Along these routes, one person at a time will ride a Burton was paroled to the Buchanan; Debbie Murphy, Dike; Jo Frahm, Rclnbeck; Jeon Dodds. Wahlert; Pirages, Waverly; Sandl Dee Grundy Center) Robert Ehrhorf, Wahlert) Bureau of Adult Corrections for Richard Halght, Denver; Jan Watson, suit in Black Hawk County Dis trict Court asking $3,500 dam couple of miles and then meet Lou McClure, Independence) Jim Welbe, Wellsburg. one year, we is accused oi lar Relnbeck II RATINGS; Debra Fratike.

Jeiuai another rider and pass con II RATINGS: Bryce Thede, Relnbeck) Gory Wagmon, Maquoketa Valley; Mikt ages plus the value of a mem-, bership in the Swiss Lakes Es ceny in the night in connection tributions on to him. Val Smith, Moquoketa Volley) Louie Suck, LoPorte City) Esther Covert, Pirlllo, LOPorto City; Sue Shearer, Mo-quokota Valley; Bill Hesse, Woverly; with the theft of a stereo tape tates Country Club prizes she Northern University; LOura Ware, Grun Paula Nledert, Columbus; Cheryl Fry, player from a car last Novem The Old City Hall ONLY WITHIN the past few years did Waterloo finally build the present city hall at 715 Mulberry St. to replace (he old one shown here on Lafayette Street. When this pic ture was made in 1898, however, the building wag in far better shape than it was in the final years of its decay. But in its heyday, the old city hall served only 11,000 citizens.

(Picture from the Waterloo Daily Courier historical files.) dy Center; Sheila Gallagher, Columbus; Involves 1,000 The ride will involve from LaPorte City; Val Wrage, Grundy Center; claims she won but did not ber. Brend Schmidt, Maquoketa Volley) Mark Frost, Columbus; Gory Wegmon, Ma Lovon wessen, Jesup; Deb Thede, Relnbeck," Mary Jo Hargrophem, Ma receive. 1,000 to 1,200 riders altogether, quoketa Volley; Irvln Nystel, New Credited With Time quoketa Volley; Brian Nelson, Northern University; Michelle Wei res, Columbus; Hampton) Robin Maos, Beaman-Conrod; btrein said. About 500 persons Mrs. Daisy Bennett contends the prizes are due her from Suson Lacour, Nashua; Jeff Hoflmonn, In other District Court action East Buchanan; Julio Lonet, Wahlert; Dan Conrad, Independence; Jan Wotson, Parkersburg; Shela Olson, East Buchanan; Charles Shatter, Now will convene at the camp to present the money.

Cathy Korson, Independence. Black Hawk Broadcasting Com Friday a Brooklyn, N.Y., man pany of Waterloo, operator of The riders will be ac Original Oratory I RATINGS: Mory Thompson, Northern Hampton; Vicky Gersma, Now Hampton. Interpretive Prose I RATINGS: Janice Harold. Columbus; the KWWL stations. was sentenced to 20 days in the Black Hawk county jail.

Miguel Angel Vasquez, 23, was companied by sheriffs all the Jury Awards University High; John Brown, LaPorte way to the camp. A sound- Cheryl Fry, LaPorte City; Nina Kennedy, City; Snarl Smlt, Grundy Center) Chris Nortnern university; Dave Huston She states that during the first three months of 1967, the firm sponsored a contest in which Supple, Maquoketa Valley; Brendo Rust, equipped radio truck will go charged with receiving stolen property with a value of less Grundy Center) JoAnn Stewart into towns ahead of the riders Warren Firm Dunkerton; Corolyn Zello, Waverly-Shell Woverly; Sankl Von Deest, Grundy Center; Barb Kremer, Jesup; Ann Devlne, Columbus; Rose Zumboch, Maquoketa Volley; Mary Thompson, Northern University; Donna Sllnker, to inform the citizens of the than $20. He was given credit winners of daily or weekly Rock) Olav Erlckson, Maquoketa volley; Davo Welter, Columbus; Elizabeth Cod. nature of the solicitation. prizes would be eligible for NEW Selling Panamanian Silver Coins Struck by Country Because of Games dington, Waverly-Shell Rock) Kenneth for jail time served since his arrest Feb.

2. Eiten, Wellsburg) Eunice Hot kens The saddle clubs conducted grand prize drawings. Grundy Center; John Grimes, Beoman-Conrad; Debbie Murray, East Buchonon; Cathy Corson, Independence; Cindy Far- $6,662 Rock Island RR Is a pony express ride to the A charge accusing Jerry Tho rls, Relnbeck; Jeff Hoffman, East Buchanan; Jan Watson, Parkersburg camp last year on a smaller mas Donahue of larceny of a Mrs. Bennett maintains she was called by the station and won $37. Later, she states, her Dick McGee, Don Bosco; A 1 1 a Yesterday, we spoke of ashlon'i double life a life that takes its direction from the 30' and its tense of exploration and adventure from the 70's.

Now, let's take a look at some of the fashion trends to be brought forth in this brand new decade. "IN" FABRICS Great, new jerseys with ihine or with mat wools that are light, thin. loosely wov en knits raschels in a broad array of patterns knits that take a ribbing, either spare, corded or wide lacy looks printed burnout voiles In the see-through look lots of linen the unbleached look of flax sheer and heavy crepes. "IN" PATTERNS It's plane to see geometric designs are softer, more Imaginative this season. Fashion endorses checks in the form of large, zg zag squares, most effective when combined with white.

Watercolor stripes are getting the brush. Art Deco combines rectangles, circles, squares, diamonds. tri- angles there's fluidity to every one. Flower prints are big and boldly feminine. And there is a slant toward the oriental influence of paisleys and stylized florals.

"IN" COLORS Oranges are a'peel-inp; from soft tangerine to dark Indian curry. In the pinks the emphasis is on the rose and mauve shades. Lilac lends itself to the wet looks, sheers and geometric prints Almond emerges as the fashion pale in leathers neutrals are positive warm. Overall, the look is soft, supple and totally roman 5 Fashion Council Coordinator. scale, Strein said.

Instead of motor vehicle was dismissed Campbell, Independence; Nancy Eckoff, Wellsburg; Linda Goodman, Wahlert; 18 different routes, there were by Judge George C. Heath. name was drawn for the second Assessed Judgment Sandy Hinders, Relnbeck; Allan Ruler, place grand prize, allegedly Wellsburg; Jean Benok, Wellsburg; Mary Campbell, Wahlert; Bruce Thede, only seven. However, the riders managed to collect $25,000 for Donahue, 18, of 1312 Mulberry was inducted into the U.S. Relnbeck; Debbie McDermott, Columbus; A Black Hawk County District The National Bank of LOVE the camp.

Julie Notvlg, New Hampton; Kothy Ken Army last month. lot at bwlss Lakes Estates in Elgin, along with a lifetime membership in a country club Waterloo is one of nine Iowa Court jury has awarded $6,662 ny, Maquoketa valley; Jull Jepson, Northern University; Laura Ware, Grundy Center. Goal $25,000 banks that has been selling there. II RATINGS: Corolyn Hendricks, Ma damages to Warren Transport Co. of Waterloo to end a four- solid silver coins issued by the "Our goal is again $25,000, quoketa Valley; Debbie Witzenburg, but we hope to collect a lot Value of the lot she claims was to be $2,800.

She says she day trial to settle collision of more," Strein said. a semi-trailer truck and a Rock Dunkerton; Mary Deutsch, New Hampton; Jackie Mitchell, LaPorte City; Renee Dunlap, Woverly; Pam Gebel, New Hampton; Kay Bowers, Dike; Roger Haan, Parkersburg; Debbie Kuhlmann, Denver; John Engelkes, Wahlert; Janell was told the deed to the lot Because of the success of last Island railroad train engine. Two Holiday Inns Agree On Contract Union Accepts Pact would be forwarded to her. year express ride, the saddle clubs incorporated into Ponv The jury deliberated shortly Schwenen, Parkersburg; Louie' Swep, LaPorte City; Janell I a mm or. She additionally claims that a over four hours, taking the case Republic of Panama to commemorate the opening of the 11th Central American and Car-ribean Games there.

The 44-year-old games opened there Saturday. Athletes from more than 20 countries are competing. The coins are being sold by banks and American Express Express Riders of Iowa last land title problem developed in Dunkerton; Barbara Wedeklng, Woverly; Jenefer Graham, Dunkerton Joan 3 at 10 a.m. Friday. summer and decided to conduct relation to the original lot and a ride each year around Easter The collision occurred Feb.

she was told it was no longer available. 5, 1965 at the intersection of Riskehell, Independence. Book reviewing I RATINGS: Pat Huston, Waverlyi Ellen Murray, Maquoketa Valley; Ann Rhodes, Columbus; Terrl I Relnbeck; Ruth Spleker, Wellsburg) Larry Hilton, New Hartford. II RATINGS: Alice Kracke, Maquoketa Providing Wage Rise 18th street and the Rock Island Then, Mrs. Bennett contends, tracks.

The truck was hauling offices across the country for she was taken to the resort to choose another lot, reportedly Insurance Firm Meets Union employes at the Holi new tractors and it was con Heavy damask drapes love us. Light openweavt drapes love vs. Every drape that's tired and drawn loves us. If you identify, have the somebody that pulls your strings bring you to us. You'll 0 home re-pleated, replenished, and drape-able as new.

pfwiAUNDLRERS Valley; Donna Hennlngson. Grundy day Inns of Waterloo and Cedar worth $3,500. Her suit states she tended by Warren Transport the Center) Allan Ruter, Wellsburg; Joanne $5.75 each until the limited supply is exhausted. The coin, which is legal tender, is the Oriner, Don Bosco; Stephen Springer railroad's automatic signal did did not receive either the title or the monetary value of the meyer. Wahlert; Doris Klein, Don Falls have negotiated a new one-year contract with management, it was announced by not sound a warning in time Bosco.

VrtK n. in--. largest and heaviest sterling In Waterloo properly. silver coin to be minted this and that the train was traveling at faster than the allowed rate Eugene Schueller, international Dramatic Acting I RATINGS: Lexa Rossow, LaPorte City; Patricia Stevens, Columbus; Shirley Ph. 233-252 century in the Western trustee of the Hotel-Restaurant of speed.

Time Co. Regional Club Paints Albrecht, Waverly; David Bullls, Beamon- Hemisphere. Conrad) Candace Hemlch, Grundy Employes and Bartenders Local 146, Monday. The railroad in cross-petition Center; Rita Bolden, Columbus; Steve Session Wednesday Westendorf, Dunkerton; Pattl Miller, asked $1,800 damages from the This contract, the second They were struck at the world's largest private mint, the Franklin Mint, Franklin Dike; Barb Blorgen, Waverly; Lou One Floor of transport firm for damges done since employes joined the union in 1965 and 1966, provides for Waterloo will be the site for to its signals and train engine. McClure, Independence; Beth Kennedy, Wahlert; Cello Derr, East Buchanan; Kathleen Wright, Wahlert; Ann Devlno, Columbus; Jane Lindaman, Relnbeck; Center, near Philadelphia.

one of 21 annual regional meet wage increases and improved James Wllberdlng, Wahlert; Rebecca George Fowler, teller at the ings scheduled by Time Insur benefits. STRIP CLASSES OPEN Rlskedahl, independence; Peggy Dennis, National Bank, said about 30 ance Company, according to New Hompton. Health Unit Midway Civitans in First Group Project have been sold so far at his II RATINGS: Mary Pitcher, Grundy Center; Lou Ann Bockenstedt, Maquoketa W. E. Jordens, Director of LONDON Girls who hope to earn up to $190 a week as Valley; Mary Jo Hill, New Hampton; bank since the coins went on Agencies for the Milwaukee' based life and health firm.

Greg Miller, Beoman-Conrad; Patricia Llebers, Waverly; Mike Brummond, New sale two weeks ago. He said the bank still has about 150 club strippers recently were offered strip classes in the 'never-never' plan. Hampton; Carolyn Hendricks, Maquoketa Jordens said that independent Valley; Mary Duggan, Maquoketa valley agents associated with Time left. It can re-order, if there Members of the Midway 18 Cents for Non-tipped The wage increase for non-tipped employes is 18 cents an hour. Their present range in wage rates is $1.50 to $2.30 an hour.

The wage increase for tipped employes is 10 cents. Their present range is $1,225 to $1.75. The new contract provides for Those who pass a 20-lesson is demand. would attend the one-day meet Sharman Stolz, New Hampton; Judy Thede, Relnbeck; Jullle Rasmussen, Independence; Beth Rose, Denver; Jean, ne McGee, Don Bosco; Karen Wllle, Denver; Dianne Williams, Denver; Glna Civitan Club will again be con course will get a framed certi ing, which has been scheduled veiling Monday night at the Read about the latest sports ficate as a stripper and exotic for Wednesday at the Waterloo Sunsert, Don Bosco; Jayne Bernardy, Black Hawk County Health happenings in the Daily Courier. dancer.

Don Bosco; Lou Ann a I a Holiday Inn. Center to help finish the paint ing the fourth floor pediatrics About 2,800 independent agents representing Time have major medical insurance up to unit. OWN A CHEVY? WE CAN INSURE FOR AS LITTLE AS been invited to the meetings. The unit is scheduled to open A new $20,000 major medical a $30,000 limit for each dependent. A new indemnity plan pro policy will be announced at the $50,000 liability $2,000 Medical Compreheniive Collision SlOOded.

March 15. The newly formed club volun Basse! en 1967 Biscayna Owner 25, marrloe) J-yr. accident reo Quarterly meetings and a portfolio of oth BOOKKEEPING YEAR 'ROUND UP-TO-DATE SERVICE INCOME TAX QUARTERLY RETURNS IOWA SALES TAX teered its services as its first er insurance plans will be dis Towing $25 vides for $35 a week up to 13 weeks, effective on the first day of an accident and the eighth day of illness either cussed. project. The club was establish ed in October of 1969 with 24 Insured by Aetna Life Casualty Call Us for a Quote We Members of Time's sales force will be present at the members.

on or off-the-job, Schueller said Like Other Ca rs, Too. meeting which will begin at a.m. and conclude with luncheon. These two motels employ about 145 persons, of which 60 per cent belong to the union, imon S.A.T.SJ mmmncc ofjency mc. 327 Wast Sth, Waterloo, Iowa 233-3335 Schueller said.

409 Reed St. 334-6538 The members began painting every Monday and Wednesday evenings beginning last week. After the painting is completed, they will be aiding the pediatrics unit in other ways, according to Virgil French, administrator of the center and also a club member. Award presentations will be made in recognition of the outstanding Time agents in each of the areas being visited. N.

Cedar Civic Group fo Elect Tuesday Nighf pnE-SEAGM The North Cedar Community Improvement Committee will hold a public meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the North he only "dust Gclbsicr you'll vGlcomo in your hom*o! Cedar School multi-purpose House and Grocery Entered by Thieves David Reasoncr, H5' Irving reported to police the theft of $58 from a dresser drawer in his home Saturday night. The Reasoncr house was locked but police said the lock could be slipped with a knife. Larceny of $45 from a bank bag from the Mary Schultz Grocery, 1206 W. 9th St.

was reported Monday. The bag was kept in the rear of the store and the money is believed to have been taken while the store was open room. The agenda includes norm Chains Taken From Warren Firm Truck Warren Transport Waterloo trucking firm, reported to Waterloo police Monday the theft of $150 worth of chains from a parked truck. The semi-trailer truck was parked at Oil, at 18th and Black Hawk Streets. Seven chains used to tie a load on the truck bed, and 14 log chains were taken off, the truck sometime over the weekend.

nations for committeemen from Area 5 and Area 6 for three' year terms on the Improvement Committee. Elections will be in April. The areas involved are the northeast section and the north west section of North Cedar. A. Easy-Glic1, Eureka's new upright cleans all typot of floor or floor coverings.

"NAP-ADAPT" setting feature) for xtrct high pile 3 position handle hongs in closet. Air Conditioning C. New BureU -5. Reifje, gssld i ed t9kwQ9tf 1 4 iH wn tioU it a handy lift-out tray i tlurcfy, all steel covruf' tion. 5.

Lightweight broom clear' er. Sweeps bare floors better than a broom. Ousts under furniture belter than mosv Tidier, tool Adjustable brush to vacuum all kinds of car-pels. Hangs away any, where. Weight jutt 7 lbs.

MEuBiLIElr 95 95 $49 2V Sales Department ONLY HOW AT JEW LOCATION Act Now mte a a JI-WAY 412 1 72 W. 4th Street Wettrle Phone 234-7371 5, ACROSS FROM CROSSROADS SHOPPING CENTER LlOM SGMUECEB CMEVROLE PH. 234-1558 Aek ebeut McOreeri cenvenleet eroefit eleet. Shoe) till p.m. Manetay eneJ Thursday, IOiOO till SilOe.rn.Tvet., West, rri.eee) let.


The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.