The Marion Leader from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4 1. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription 1. BRINGS THE SUNSHINE OF HEALTH AND HAPPINESS TO SICK WOMEN. HEALTH Backed up by over a third of a cen- Very often married woman or All other compounds intended for tury of remarkable and uniform cures, young girl does not know who to turn women only are made with alcobol, record- such as no other remedy for.

rice in circ*mstances where alcohol is a large component -this the diseases and weaknesses peculiar she dislikes to talk with the family the nerves a The women ever attained, the proprie- physician about delicate matters. At tle red corpuscles of the blood are tors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Fa- such times write to Dr: R. V. Pierce, shrunken by alcohol.

All such comvorite Prescription now feel fully war- chief consulting physician to the pounds, therefore, do harm. ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription money for any CAnC of Leucorrhea, of Buffalo, N. for free consulta- was the first exclusively woman's Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Fall- tion advice, and the same will be tonic on the market -it has sold ing of Womb, which they cannot cure. held as sacredly confidential.

It is more largely in the past third of All they ask is a fair and -reasonable foolish to consult women friends or century than any other medicine for trial of their means of cure. persons without medical traimog. SEVEN PLANTS' FIRES BANKED The Ares are out. Seven glass factories in Grant county banked their "Ares tday, after a nost. successful season, 1,650 workmen are given their usual vacadon during the hot period.

The workmen relleved -will tatter to all parta of the country. for heir outings. Many will go to At.antic City, and other eastern summer resorts, others will go Into camp or cottages on Indiana lakes, and a Dumper will take trips abrond. The glassworkers will make their vacations. for themselves and familles as pleasant as possible.

Although It is always indefnite at the close of a Are just operatons will be resumed, all of the plants expect to resume about September 1. Wage scales, condition of trade and many other things are considered setting the time for the beginnig of fire. There are three big glass factories to close in Marion, being the Standard Co-operative, the Canton and Marion. Flint. The Marion Flint Glass company.

manufacturers- of-high-grade flint bottles, closed its plant at 5 o'clock this This. tactory gives cmployment 300 persons, Gas producers were Installed and other extensive improvements made to this plant last year, and it la now one of te biggest and most aubstantial factories in Ma.rion. and is a Axture in the city. The usual renovating of the plant will take place during the two months shutdown. The Standard Co-operative, manufacturers of prescription ware, closes tonight, after a most successful run.

This factory also has producers, and they been very satisfactory. This factory employs about 160-peo-was ple. 'The Fairmount Glass company, which manufactures bottles description, closes o'clock. The usual repairs will- be made to the plant during the summer, and the resumption will take place FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1905. about September 1.

his factory employs 300 people, and is a most valuable industry for This factory has used natural gas all season, and baa had fair supply. Some time was lost during the extreme cold, weather, when the pipes were frozen, but as.a whole the fire was a success a plentiful company, will operate ful one. The expecte to have again next season with natural gas. The Thompson bottle factory, one for the several big manufacturing concerns of Gas City, also closed at 5 this evening. The Thompson factory installed gas producers last.

year, and has no- with fuel supply. The factory gave employment to 550 people, and run -continnously during fire. Operations are expected to resume: about September 1. The permanency. of the Thompson foctory- as an.

industry of Gas City 1g assured. The company is now expending several thousand dollars in additional 1m- provements that are being made to the factory. An electric light plant 18 being installed, a box factory is being and new. furnaces are toy be erected. Other improvements are to made, which will make the -factory a model plant in every way, The comfor both power and light pany will manufacture its electricity The Diamond Window Glass company of Gas City closed two weeks ago because of a bursted furnace.

The Diamond gives employment several hundred men, and has a most. complete plant, Including gas producers. Two window glass factories at- Matthews closed today. They are the Sun and the LaRuche, The San gives employment to 115 people. and closes atter a successful run.

The factory uses natural gas for fuel, but the supply good most of the The LaRuche factory has employed about .100 people. This factory has gas producers, and it has been able to The other Matthews glagg factories have not been operated regularly during the season just closed. PRESENT UPRISING MORE SERIOUS THAN EVER (Associated Press Service.) St. Petersburg, June since the unsuccessful Insurrection Decamber, when a portion of the grand regimepts joined in an attempt to set up a republic in Russia, has the sitnation of the autocracy and the Romanor dynasty been so serious. Never-! theless the crisis may be passed in a faw days.

Either the open revolt will by that time be etamped out, or the. Names will have possibly beyopd the hope of control. At the admiralty, it is said that the Head Admiral squadron is expected to arrive at Odessa during the day. No explanation is offered for the de-' lay of the squadron's sailing from Sevastopol or the nature of the Kruger's orders. It Is admitted, although! reat reticence is manifested that at o'clock last night the Knlaz P'otemkine was Aring upon city.

The admiralty thinks the mutinous crew were probably drunk. The officials consider it possible that the FEW porting the strikers and revolutionists as" againat the troops. Throughout the day the soldiers and police had evidently refrained a from attempting to interfere with -the strikers under the threats of the mutineera of battleship to use. their guns against them. Although It possible quire cence of the soldiers was duo to.

fear, the authorities think they are and a regiment of dragoons I and a brigade of artillery have been' Cr. 5s. THE MARION LEADER 4 Libau. June 30-About. ious eailors are surrounded in a small wood near the port of infantry reinforced by machine One thousand of the mutineers already.

have surrendered and given up their arms The mutiny started Wednesday night when the sailors of the first equipage, as the naval units are known in Russia, revolted because the food bad. They were joined Immediately by sixth, ninth, thirteenth fifteenth blue jackets in all 3 The guard -at first tried to oppose them, killing one and wounding seven, but the sailors got the upper hand. They seized guard house, broke open stores, securing arms and ammunition. 44 Pandemonium followed throughout the night. The mutineers wrecked the barracks, attacked quarters of the officers and fired levs at random until morning.

city was' terrorized when troops artillery arrived Wednesday morning. All entrances to the city were closed and gradually the sallors were driven Into the wood, which they have aince held. ming machine guns has been heard, Much, fring mingled with the humbut as every one is forced by the lice to keep off the streets and away from- the -ports some -distance below. town. nothing is definitely known cent that 1,000 mutineers have rendered.

The revolutionary ngent8 have seized the opportunity to distribute proclaniations from house to house. Sailors Surrendered. (Associated Press Service.) 4,000 mutin- LINE TO BE BUILT At Van Buren last evening the citizens met with representatives of the proposed north and south traction line trough Van The object or the meeting was to bring the subject officially before the town and to sell stock. The line will operate between Matand Huntington, running most of this distance on section lines. Sol far lines has been very successful! and muca of the stock has been sold.

said that mecting purpose last, of night the it line was. this time- is to sell 100 shares of -stockat $25 a shore. Toe money brought to the company in this way' will bei used in completing some preuminary work and getting out drawings of the surveys of road, After this is acne the road will be pusned. The town board was not asked for a franchise through the town last night, but the members of the board seem very much in favor of lie line and It is probable that when the company does ask for a franchise it will be The company was represented atthe board meeting last night by sev. eral prominent: Van: Buren business men, including S.

G. Robinson. manager of the Hunt.ngton Light and Fuel company: Dr. Li. Conwell, Postmaster Henry Whitecotton, William Doyle.

Thomas A Landor, oil operator. and the Howard brothers, bankers. Of th 100 shares stock the com-1 pany proposed originally to sell, thirty. one shares were sold in Upland and several shares were sold at Van Buren last night. F.

Knoton of Indianapolis, who has been largely intercated in traction lines in Indiana and Ohio, was present. He addressed the mecting. 0. Stout and dent 11. R.

MUes, both of Upland, were also present. -The neW Ising oue. It will furnish a means of transportation to parts of Huntington and Grant counties which have had no outlets. It will connect at Huntington with the line now being bullt between Goshen and Huntington, and will thna furnish trolley connections- soon with the southern part of -Michigan and dife forent. parta of Indiana.

dr. K. O. Bouder was at Winona dav. 3 A At meeting this GRANTED forenoon the SIGN ZOUAVES board of public works passed upon contract for a franchise with the Con-1 verse Telephone company and recome mended to the city coulell that this company 5.

be granted a franchise for one year, according to the aplication for the franchise. Oscar. L. Barger, manager of the Converse company, was present at the said be was well satisfled with the action. He eaid that while.

his company bad applied for a tuty-year franchise. it- bad done 80 because this: was the usual form used in such applications: The board ntinor changes which the company might ask to make in its dines through the eity would be grantteasonable. Mr. Barger said there One of these changes, he said, might be at the termination of the telephone line. in this city; that the company might want a private office, and this would require few changes in the wires.

Wagner, of the Wagner ReAnery company of Cincinnati, appeared before the board and asked to make some arrangements for the board to visit some one of the reduction plants which his: company is installing in different cities. The noard probably will visit the plant, at Toledo. It was sald Mr. Wagner had made arrangements with the agent who repcompany locally, to have the board visit the Toledo plant, butt that the board never had. been informed of the arrangements The board, with Mayor Swezey, City Attorney Charles and C.

H. Bundy, visited a plant at Vincennes yesterday, returning last night. the plant we saw mo there that. is, we were very much impressed with were impressed that we did not want. chemist and sanitary engineer for the last forty-Are years, and- that a

thoroughly acquainted, with the requirements of a garbage plant is no odor from our he said. "We could bandle garbage and dead animals in the center of the city so Tar us That turn the vapors from- our tank into a gas that will burn, and this gas may! it in Marion," said Charles Ball, a member of the board. Mr. Wagner says he has been be used either in lighting the plant or! in helping to fire boller We. have plants at Battle Crept Toledo and many other cities or the east and middle west.

We ship a plant this week to Little Rock, Arkansas. The board has taken into tion the proposition of Mr. Wagner, and it will investigate it thoroughly. The committee, the members of which Joseph Carmichael James Hood, reported to the board this morning that at had completed the auditing of the water. works books.

The report was accepted and referred to the city council. The report shows that on account of a delinquencies the cash book ACcount shows $110.17 less than Is shown on the stub record. The total collections September 1, '02, to June 27, '05, are $68.212.03, and. the amount paid to the treasurer on application during this time is $68.214.56. This shows that a total of what been paid in is $2,535 more than has been collected.

A contract was let to Michaels Minniek for the repairing of the intersections of Branson street with Second. Third and Fourth -streets: The contract price rents per square yard, the city to Turnish The material. One other bid was received from Binner Mackey, the price quoted by them being 45 cents a square, yard. There are 200 yards of repair to: he put in. butt the city.

will not have to pay all of the cost. The repairs were occasioned by the in of sewers and by. Esome excavations made by. the Marion Light Heating company. Resolutions were adopted.

for. t.he following alleys; One between Washington and Boots street, from Twentysecond south to the Forbes addition, and another running from Boots to Gallatin streets between Eleventd and Twelfth streets. An application was received and taken under consideratton for a sewer from Horton street west to the river The petitioners want an eighteen dr twenty- sewer. Engineer Petrie recommended to the board that whenever a conbrick tractor left on completes his work hands and that baa the comet my this brick for its own use when streeta have to be repaired. In this way he says that the city could have a supply of brick on hands and would be able to put in repair -jrk which would.

match the remainder of the street. NAMES ARE REMOVED The remonstratore of Pleasant township are probably defeated at. tempt at this time to prevent the issuance of A license to -sell liquor in that township. Instead of waiting until today, the last day on which the remonstrance could have -and -when- would have been too late for withdrawals, the Pleasant town hip remonstrators fled their Instrument with Auditor Goldthwalte Wednesday night shortly before midnight. The remonstrators evidently miscalculated.

on the last day on which the strance could have been According to the. law, it 13. said, signers to the remonstrance had until last midnight to' withdraw: their names, the last day on be effective meeting of the wheh a remonstrance, may be filed to county commissioners Monday. On. a cemonstrance.

filed, from Pleasant township Wednesday night were 239 names. For a majority In Pleasant, 226. names are required. This would give the remonstrators thirteen extra names, but there have been enough withdrawals of names to make the remonstrance thirteen nares shy of a niajority. At the last minute twenty-six of the remonstrators withdrew their names.

This leaves but 213 names on the remonstrance. The remonstrators may Ale additional names yet today 17 make up for the shrinkage, but at 3 o'clock this afternoon no additional signatures had been filed. Those withdrawing their nantes were Elva StevA Whittaker, Calrin Rennaker, Albert William J. Craven, Ollie George Kreig, Allen Maggart, Walter. Cain.

Willis Simeon. John Bechtol William Flook, Allen Rennaker. Thomas: A. George Lemming. Silas Garrett.

Liza Jones, Weaver. Ira. Brags. Jesse: Galbreath, B. L.

Renbarger, Goff, Charles Holman and another whose signature could not be -deolo AT HEAD OF LIST S. Hamilton Nussbaum Named President By Music Teachers The Report sent out: from' Kokomo yesterday that Willard Pierce of Indianapolis been elected dent of the Judiana Music Teachers tory. received a telegram from. there this horning that Hamilton Nuasbaum; of this. city, was: elooted president.

by acclamation, and that Mr. Pierce had been placed at head or the executive committe. had been prearranged that Mr. Pierce should be president anu Mr. Nusabaum chairman of the executive committee, but this arrangement wat knocked out and the Marion placed at the head.

He is well Atted for the place, and only brings more: honor to bis home city. 44 STRIKE THREATS Parcel Deliverers In Chicago to Deliver An -Ultimatium strike early today. Four hours of are gument. were required on the part of conservative leaders to prevent radical action; As a compromise live men from the union appointed to visit three local express companies today with. an nitimatum.

The power of ordering 8 strike against one or all concerns in the furniture and expresmen's associarests with the committee. John Farwell; representing the eniployers, has aunounced that no more conferences wiN. Le. held with the teamsters" committee. of the Furniture and association, against whom injunction proceedings have been atarted to compel them to deliver to strike- houses, went before Judge, Holdom today to ask for change, of venue.

Altorney: James Brady, counsel for the Parcel Express company, served on: the Employers' association that he would aak for a change on the ground that Judge Holdom Is prejudiced. Terry McGovern; pugilist, has (Associated Press Aervice) Chicago, June That men who drive express and parcel delivery wagons in. Chicago, :500 in number; halted on the verge of declaring bought the picing mare, Cuba, from Dayton, O. parties. Jake a Whisler waR at Kokomo Wednesday The Unato Date club spent Wednesday in Winona; Wilhite was in Lafontaino.

on business today. A BAD DISORDER In the fall of 1895 I contracted that fear. ful disease, Blood Towson. It gained such headway that I was forced to resign 111 position and serk relief at Hot Springs. After spending all the means I badI went to Memphis.

In lesa than three weeks I was in a hospital, and after nine weeks of suffering I was discharged as cured. In less than a month every boue in my body seemed to be affected and felt as if they. would break at the least exertion. Again was compelled to resigu, and I returned to the hospital for a seven weeks stay, When I came out I was advised to farming. When I first went on the farm prevailed ou the only Arm who handled drugs to get me one dozen bottles of S.

At that time both of my hands were. broken out with blisters and I wascovered with boils and In the meantime my druggist had gotten two dozen bottles of S. S. S. S.

S. S. S.S. for the and I- began its use, and after taking the thirteeuth hottle not a sore or boil was visible, R. B.

J'OWELL. East gtl Little Rock, Ark. Of all human diseases, Contagious Blood Poison most Hideous and hateful; The victim is tortured with eating ulcers, sores and abscesses, unsightly blotches, eruptions and other symptoms of the miserable disease. S. S.

S. has been used successfully for nearly fifty years for Contagious Blood Poison. It taing no mercury, potash or other mineral. Our home treatment book gives all the toms of this -Medical advice free. The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta.

Ga. By the last of August or the or September the Marion Zouaves tend to leave Marion to begin work with the Or randerille circuit. The contract with Le Orphium pie is made and the company la ing regular drills in the Johnson block. fall, a where they were given try-out The Zouaves went to. Loutsville last of a week in the Orphiun house in -at city.

As a result the company was signed for this season, and after it Was signed Butalo Bill a of- vaudeville. men made offers to the company. The Orphium circuit includes all of the largest citles in the United. States, among which are Chicago Louis. Louis Boston, and Los Angeles.

Tue company orst stop will in weeks and then it probably will Jump to Louis. Los Angeles will bel about the fourth jump. a pany. Before bougut the new tryout last uniforms, fall the. not' com- the Turkish costume, but a style worn by cadets.

The cloth is blue, with the usual military trimmings. Ernest Phillips, the manager of the through its company, is putting, the company MACCABEES Over 7,000 applications for lite bene at membership were rerelved in February. Thia 18 1,000 more than was re: ceived during the same. month. last year.

After a careful examination recently. the Michigan tusurance department re ported the order to be in, splendid duaucial condition. Reading. tent. of Reading.

cently Initiated a class of 200 candidates and now has over 000 members. A class of 155 candidates was re cently initiated in Baltimore. The total. liabilities of the order on Jan. 81 were leaving a sur plus of $3,976,474.28.

UNITED WORKMEN. The Level Rate Plan. of -the Order, and. Gossip; The the level rate plan of the order is one of the most valuable optious ever pre sented. 4 With this option In force no man after three years of membership can become suspended by reason of uis misfortunes or carelessness.

Jig re Nerve protects- bit uutil be can recover from his temporary troubles and restore bimself to full membership. No young man should overlook this privation Badger It 18 just AM important to keep -old members as it 14 to procure new ones. N. Potsdamer 1A recorder and bis son, J. 11.

Potsdamer, la master. workman of Oriental lodge of Philadelphia, The Wolverine Workman Rays the order is In better condition in MichiERD than ever before and members can look forward to the future with more condence than at any time In the past. AT California has accumulated over. $60,000 in the reserve fund during the past year, which Is: now bearing 4 per cent interest. ROYAL ARCANUM.

A Home For Aged Members In Penn Jotting. The associated couucila of the Royal Arcanum in Allegheny, have started a movement fore the -establishment of a bore tor members and their wives between the ages of sixty and eighty Fears, to be known as the Fraternity It Is Intended to be nonsec tartan and selt supporting and is to ba located within of miles of Pittsburg. East. Orange: council of New Jersey hagda card system by which record of every man within a radius of three miles who is eligible for membership. grand conneil has been Instituted in New Hampshire, that jurisdiction baring passed the 1,000 mark in membership.

There are at present 2,137 Royal. canum councils to good atanding. The order now has thirty grand RED MEN. Koter of the Tribes In Various vations. Kewanee tribe of Kewance, has arranged to give a big elreus performthis summer.

Tues will pitch tent that will sent 8,000 spectators. Recent reports show there are 5,204 tribat members in Indianapolis- moon. Illuwatha tribe of Ogden, Utah, adopted twenty Ave palefaces. Levi Lenape tribe of Camden has assets of nearly 22,000 fatboms. 'Ibe report to the great counell of the United States will show that twenty.

four new tribal brands were lighted in Pennszivania in the great sun, Fraternal Mystic Circle. Grand -Ruler Hoffman of New York. reports 1,400. members taken into the order during the last ten mouths. March.

reports show that splendid work is being done in many furiadietona, and the order is growing rapidly. Are You Interested in the Soufh? DO YOU CARE TO KNOW OF THE MARVELOUS DEVELOPMENT NOW GOING ON IN The Great Central South OF INNUMERABLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR. YOUNG MEN O1 OLD ONES TO GROW Do you want to know about rich farming lands, fertile, well located, on A Trunk Line Rallroad, which will produce ded four -crops from the same fien each year, and which can be purchased at very low prices And oh ensy terms? About stock raising where the extreme of. winter fruits raising yield enormous returna each year? Of a land where yon can -live out of doors every day in the year? Of opportunities -for establishIng profitable manufacturing industries: of rich mineral locations, and splendid business openings? will gladly advise you fully and truthfully. you want to know the details.

of all of these write G. A PARK, General Immigration and Industrial Agent "LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO LOUISVILLE, KY. GREAT TENT CAMPAIGN OF SERMON AND SONG WHO -THE CHRISTIAN (DISCIPLE) PEOPLE ARE, AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING.Who the Christian People Are. They people name but. Christ; have no priest.

but no ereed -but Christ: J. ELAM, Evangelist at West Tent, Corner West. erm Avenue and Nelson Street. submit to no authority but Christ, ask poopie to belleve In Christ, to confess Christ; to be baptized Into Christ; to walk with Christ: to live for Christ, to talk for. Christ: to die in Christ.

They plead for. unity In Christ; and accept no rule of faith and doctrine except the new Testament scripture; Christ is their all and all. In accenting the simple. yet all nothing, minus nothing, divided by nothing- without prefix or suffix. They stand as the friends of every movement that looks toward Christ.

In accepting Jesus as their creed they become as broad as the great plan of salvation God has given man, and an narrow as the great -love of Jesus. They belleve that no man can go unto the Father save by the Son, They bellove that Faith In Christ destroys the love for sin; stroys the practice of sin, and that baptism changes the state of the sinnets puts him into a new stato: the same 88 the marriage. ceremony changes the name and stato of the R. H. FIFE, Evanglist at Central Tent.

Boots and 4th bride. They. beneve that baptism is a burial. (Rom. Col.

They also belleve: that the blocal of Christ, and not the baptismal water. destroys the guilt of sip, and that if man does not yield to the love- and obey the commands of Christ, he 7 sinners and he dies in his sins be cannot so where Christ is, But will be lost forever; They do not- bellere that they are the only Christians, but they do claim be Christians only. without any ado ditton or They believe the gospel is the pow of unto salvation and must come to Christ through the hear ing and to the gospel. That Christ has left the converting of and because of this the chi- flan pec ple are fast. becoming, yea, if not atready, the greatest evangelistic people: on the earth What They Are Doing.

They are sending missionaries all over the wide world as well as Id. all: states in the Union. They bave mist stations in the following foreign: countries: India, Japan, China, Tur key, Africa, Denmark. Norway, Swe den, England. Cuba.

Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands and. Thibet. They have 170 missionaries in three different fields and support 418 Dative be pers. Their medical missionaries treated more than 200,000 patients in the hos pitals last rear. During the year 1901 they had 488 missionaries at work in the home fields, and these added to the church, 20,000 additional during the year.

They raised for missions. last Year $770.117 Total moneys ralsed during the year was $7,493,705. They added over 100.000 to t-6 T. J. LEGG, Evangelist at South Tent, Waalington and Thirty Seventh Strente.

church during the year: from all sources. They now number more than 1,500,000 communicants: They control thirty five colleges and universities besides many Bible chairs In the stato colleges and universities They have lover 11,000 cHurches. They have as their motto: "One In Hope; One In Name: One In Doctrine, and One in Eternity a In. brict this is who and what the people are that are beginning the great tent campaign in Marion. There will be services in these tentsevening at 7:45 and the citizens of Marion are asked to attend and help make Marion better through the gosnel of Christ.

will let him come" Spectal Announcements. To prevent any Interference with the Sunday schoola and regular serve Ices of other churches on Sunday, the evangelists will hold their morning mectings in the churches, but will occupy their respective tents at 7:45 o'clock Sunday evening. Each evangelist will arrange for ape clal day meetings at the homes of tho people in his district Services will begin- and close on time each evening. These meetings are intended to be: for the general good of our city, and a blessing to everybody, The fellow. ship and cooperation of other Christatiana will be appreciated.

today---now-betore you lay this down--you might forget it. Send This Coupon Today Send me information how I can qualify quickly and cheaply for the profession an) left of which I mark Xr Clerk Manager Stenographer or Archi. Telegrapher. Secretary Draftsman Penman Illustrator Writer Commercial Teacher Man Artist Civil Service P. State.

If you can't come here we teach you any of the above in your own home by mail Same guaranteed result. We also teach by mail Law, Pharmacy, Nursiog, Prepara. tory. Medicine, Journalism and. Story Writing.

you desre to study by mail marl Obe of these positions pays from Which Will You Be? job $700 pays to not $5,000 a more year. than The $180 a country year. $: WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE? We prepare you for the best paying positions in a short time and at small cost. More demanda for our graduates than we can supply. A fine position for every gradus ate of our complete Commercial Conrso.

Open all year, Day and night sessiens. Begin ony time. Dest time now. Oldest, largest and best institution. Greatest in the Central States.

Founded 1850. We assist you in making expenses. Write w. bere. INDIANAPOLIS POLIS BUSINESS UNIVERSIT 30 M.

Penneyivania Indianapolie. Pres. pter pter 1 at 2. sent to Odessa from Kherson. These troops should have arrived at Odessa.

With these. reinforcements and the city under martial law, is believed the military governor will be strong enough to attempt to suppress the rioters by force. The plan Is believed to be for the troops to crush the disorders in city while Kruger's squadron holds the entrance of the It is apparently questionable whether Kruger will engage the Kolaz Potemkine if she refuses to surrender, as firing upon the vessel night be too dangerous a test for the sallors on board his ships. Besides it would involve neceasarily the destruction of the battleship costing several millions, "and damage the city. PAdmiral Skrydlof's plan of etarving out the mutinous crew is more likely to be followed.

d. One More Mutiny. (Associated I'reas service.) St. Petersburg, June p. m.

-A sensational report is current that the imperial sailors, together with the workmen at the yards and docks at the naval port at Cronstadt, have refused a state of mutiny exists there, Mutiny Confirmed. (Assocluted I'rass Service. June 30. 4:55 p.m. -The mutiny of sallora at Cronstadt is confirmed.

One officer was killed. The situation was reflected by an oll around slump on the. Bourse today. Imperial -fours were sustainod the government. but nevertheless they tell almost.

a point. an).

The Marion Leader from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.